
  • left click and then release to cast.
  • left click to reel
  • "R" to restart
  • "Z" to zoom screen.


  • catch people, get more bait, catch more people. there are 100 people.

Made for the eggjam21 "just one hundred friends" game jam.  Obviously needs a lot of work, this is basically just a grey box version, but I think the loop which is:  catch people, get more bait from them, and explore to catch more people.   Originally envisioned as Kitty Collector meets Worms.  I'd like to get more inventory items that allow the fish to move around in the 2d plane a-la worms.  Right now there is one, if you can find it.

This is pretty bad, but I learned a lot

  • tried to create multiple systems that worked to feed off eachother (fishing inventory + act of fishing + collection mechanic (like a pokedex))
  • used inheritance to create menus with items.
  • used a map to pre-load the level and then load in and unload objects that are within the player's vision (rather than the whole level). 

HTML5 export is having trouble, but I'll get that up soon.

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